Narrow Belt Sorter
Narrow Belt Sorter
Key Facts:
- Includes several, small belts instead of a single, wide one
- Much quieter operation than other solutions
- Modular design makes it able to fit any situation
- 3 row, 5 row, and 7 row options
Technical Data:
- Product Weight Range:
- NBS 30 & 90: 1 lbs – 75 lbs
- NBS 90SP: 1 lbs – 20 lbs
- Rates up to NBS 30: 100 cpm, NBS 90: 65 cpm, Wave: 170 cpm
- Product Size:
- NBS 30 & 90: 6″ x 9″ min
- NBS 30 & Wave: 28″ x 36″ max
- NBS 90: 28″ x 28″ max
- NBS 90SP: 4″ x 4″ max